Hello there!
Welcome to the "My searches" section.
We will answer these three questions (TBD)
1. How can teachers grasp the DigCompEdu competence of accesibility and inclusion to support development of receptive skills?
2. Which are the best activities to engage and use both listening and reading in remote sessions?
3. Is it fill-in the gaps an efficient strategy activity to practice the listening skill?
We will update this website with answers in the coming days. For now, if you're feeling like an adventurer, feel free to explore my newest section "My searches" on Symbaloo. There, you're going to find some of the portals that will be used for our searches. Take a look at the Embed below ⬇️
Here's a video providing my answer...
How can teachers better understand the DigCompEdu competence of accessibility and inclusion to support the development of receptive skills?
Receptive skills like reading comprehension and active listening are critical for student success across all subject areas. However, diverse learners may encounter barriers that create difficulties on the development of strong receptive capacities. This video examines how the DigCompEdu competence of accessibility and inclusion can be taken advantage of in order to support receptive skill building for all students. Grounded in the DigCompEdu framework, it provides principles and strategies for creating accessible, inclusive learning environments that meet the needs of diverse learners. A review of Universal Design for Learning literature reinforces the importance of multiple means of representation, engagement, and expression.
The video shares examples of accommodations, assistive technologies, and inclusive pedagogical techniques to enhance comprehension. Findings suggest that learner variability must be proactively planned for and valued. By applying the DigCompEdu competence of accessibility and inclusion, educators can develop differentiated, student-centered instruction that enables all learners to effectively receive and process information. This has positive implications for promoting equity and strengthening receptive skills.
SIDE NOTE: I forgot to add the name of the second article, sorry, it's "Digital innovation in language teaching—Analysis of the digital competence of teachers according to the DigCompEdu framework."
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